One of My First Stays at a Hotel...

Hey everyone!!!

A few weeks ago my family and I went on a trip to stay in a small house in a farm (We're the kind of people who rent houses or nipa huts and things like that).
When we arrived at the place one of the people there told us there was a problem with the electricity and there was a brown out. They said the local electricians will check on it later.

So anyway, the place was amazing. The place we were staying in was like a 2 story house except the house was on the 2nd floor and there were swings and seats in the first. We climbed up the steps and inside there were 2 beds, (one normal bed with a mosquito net and one on the floor) a bathroom, a desk and a closet to keep our stuff in. It was quite hot in there and I was wondering how we will ever get to sleep, but my parents said there was an aircon conditioner (which we couldn't use because there was a brown out).

After settling in, we walked around the farm and saw goats, rabbits, (we got to feed them!) dogs, fish, turtles and etc. For the rest of the afternoon, we just played the guitar and ukelele, sat around, played board games, but at that time it started raining like crazy. We weren't able to look around anymore after that because it was turning dark.

After we finished eating dinner the owners of the farm came surprisingly and told us that the problem with the electricity hasn't been fixed yet and it might take 2 hours before Meralco could come and check it.

They suggested that we should find another place to stay instead. My parents' plans for all of us to watch a movie at night with never ending tubs of popcorn (well that's what I remember them saying that we could get as much as we like) were cancelled. Some reasons were because it would be hard to sleep at night with no aircon or fan whatsoever, plus we would be faced in pitch darkness.

My parents and the owners tried finding the nearest airbnb that we could stay in, but either they were booked for the night or it was too far away. At the end we decided that while on our way home we'll try to find a place to stay. We said our goodbyes and left the farm😥.

Anyways, we were debating to either go home (which I didn't want to do) or stay in the hotel that mom found. We decided to go to that hotel. I've only been to a hotel like once or twice so I didn't know what to expect. It was so coooool. At first the parking space was a little bit small and messy, then everyone started saying maybe mum chose the wrong place but it turned out great.

In the lobby there was a high ceiling with a piano (They said we could play it but I felt too embarrassed and afraid to make a mistake if I were to play Nuvole Bianche) and lots of seats and some magazines to read.

After checking in, we went to our room on the 2nd or 3rd floor. We were very surprised and delighted (especially Matt) to find a bathtub in the bathroom🤣. Aside from that there was a mini snack bar, a Tv, 2 beds with memory foam pillows (so soft), a mini fridge, some magazines as well (finally one appropriate for my age!!!) and a nice view of the city.

For the rest of the night we watched Mary Poppins and mom had a massage appointment at 11:00 PM. Tomorrow morning we took showers and went to the roof of the building where breakfast would be served. There was a swimming pool as well but we didn't bring any swimsuits😢😭.

The food was delicious though, (I don't really remember what I ordered) and then for the next hour or so we started packing and getting ready to leave. We really liked the place and started joking of the next time we would be coming back😀😀😀.

-The End

P.S. Always be true to your heart💜


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