~Life is not an emergency~

Hey everyone...

I have been lacking inspiration for a new post, and school got all up in the way as well, but I'm back!

Recently, I can't stop getting stressed or anxious. I keep forgetting something very important daily, example, to bring to school.
I always stress out and I'm like, "Oh noooo what am I going to do?! What's wrong with me... How could I forget something so important!?!" Then I start panicking nonstop until I remember to say this to myself,

 "Life is not an emergency." 

It really helps me especially when I say it over and over again, it makes me start to believe that it is. I got this from the book "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff." One of my favorite books ever. It really taught a lot of helpful lessons and tips. So it's a book I suggest to read~

Anyways, after calming down and getting myself together I think of solutions or ways to handle the situation. One time, I forgot my subject book at home, and I was stressing. Thank goodness though, I had my phone with me so I decided to text my parents and they sent it to me.

Whatever happens, first, stop panicking and stressing, then try to think of a solution.

What if I can't find a solution?? You might ask. Then, the last thing to do is to accept it and learn from your mistakes. It happens to all of us๐Ÿ˜“.

So...I don't really know what to update about. It's nearing Christmas, and I'm super excited. My parents allowed me to get the BTS The Notes English Ver. and I'm waiting for it to arrive. It's to start shipping in a few days.

Oh nooooo how can I wait?!?!?!

AHAAAAA! That's another thing. Patience.
It's one of the most important virtues in life.
It's hard to wait, especially when you're in a line or stuck in a traffic you think, you're going to be late!!

You start worrying frantically and get stressed out. You might even put your stress on other people to emphasize it. Which will make other people confused and upset as well. But, if you're stuck in traffic for example, and there's nothing else you can do about it, then wait patiently. There's kind of no point to be stressed or worried when you can be peaceful, mindful and patient when there's nothing you can do about the situation. Like, how will making your life harder make the traffic disappear?
Exactly. It won't do much except drown you in anxiety. So rememberrrrrr to practice the art of patiencee.

Thanks so much for reading~
Happy December!!

Always be true to your heart๐Ÿ’œ


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