My Dream Job/s

Hey everyone!

I want to keep my posts constant so I'll try to upload as much as I can.๐Ÿ˜€

You know (kids like me) dream about our future dream jobs and ambitions we'd like to follow someday once we're older. I'm turning grade 7 and I still want to become a dancer and on the side, model. It's a little unrealistic, maybe impossible? I don't know. The dream still feels faraway, even though I've done some stuff in my life that I'm proud about. I tried making a plan about it, thinking maybe I should try starting early so I'll be more successful in the future, but I still don't know HOW.

There was one time I had to choose between k-pop and hip hop. I decided on hip hop just to try something new, and I really enjoyed it. But I still ๐Ÿ’œ k-pop more. Then I thought, maybe I should become a k-pop back-up dancer. It would be very ideal because I don't like the idea of becoming famous. Ok, I'm guessing most of you are like, "What?!? Doesn't she want to become famous?" It's weird, because a long time ago, I would've dreamed to be famous. But now I get the lives celebrities are living and it's not as glamourous as it sounds (I'm guessing most of you know that too).

And modeling too has been a dream of mine (like I mentioned in my get to know me blog post where I mention both of my ambitions) I actually thought of auditioning in another agency, but I wasn't able to go to the casting calls because I was sick, I think? I don't quite remember. So yes, I decided modeling would be a side job because the job doesn't earn much, unless you want it full-time.

My parents have been supporting me a lot and I'm really greatful about that. My dad wants me to live a life when I'm older doing the things I want to do, instead of doing something I don't want to do just to get paid.

I'm trying my hardest, and I hope you do too. Anyways, I wanted to give tips too:

1. Make a plan
Plan about how you get there to your ambition so you won't get lost or confused on what to do. Whether you want to be a skier or a swimmer I suggest you still plan.

2. Take classes
If you're dream job has classes to learn about it then go for it!

3. Set goals and expectations
Set goals on improving what you like to do and expectations like what you expect a year from now.

Super important! You have to know as much as you can about what you're going to be so it's easier for you.

5. If it makes you happy, then do it
Don't do something you don't want to do. Live the life that you dream, and...

Always be true to your heart๐Ÿ’œ


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