How to Be Positive and Productive

Hello everyone!

I've been focusing lately on positivity and productivity to help me with challenges and life problems everyday. It really helped me become a better person now, that's why I want to share it with you guys.

Positivity-the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude.

Being positive basically means being cheerful and optimistic towards yourself and others. Here are a few ways on how to be positive:

• Smile and laugh more often
Smiling and laughing will reduce stress levels and make you feel more relaxed. It also makes other people feel happy too.

• Learn to accept that life will never be perfect today, or any day
Instead of complaining about all the wrong things that are happening, instead accept the fact that life's just like that and the only way you could grow is if you try.

• Don't stress yourself out
If you're left with soooo many things in your to-do list and you feel like you're going to die because you won't finish everything by the end of the day, start off with at least three things to do and once you can handle that much, start adding more to the list the next day.

• Be kind to everyone
At least once a day try doing something nice to others. It will make you feel contented and the other person thankful.

• Write in a journal/ diary
This really helps me a lot. During tough times, I write and write my thoughts out. It makes me understand myself a little better and my thoughts clearer.

I hope you guys start practicing positivity everyday😁😊. Anyways, here are a few ways on how to be productive:

• Stay focused
Focus on your goals, your peace and your happiness. Don't waste your time on anything that doesn't contribute to your growth.

•Make goals
Of course, most of us make goals but sometimes, we never accomplish it. One of the reasons why is when we tell other people about it. We get the statisfaction from telling others about our dreams and ambitions we start drifting away from what's really important. So I suggest you keep your goals a secret before you successfully accomplish it.

• Start stretching and excersicing
I had a funny story about this. I used to keep telling myself, later on, I'll stretch. But later never happens. And it never does, until I actually stopped the talking and started the doing. I saw that I was getting more flexible, day by day when I was back at school. I felt so proud of myself. But then one day, I just stopped. Weeks later, results shown on how stiff I am again from not stretching for a long time. Then I decided to go back, which is currently, now. I try my hardest to find time everyday for it.

• Read books
I 💜 reading books. It's one of my hobbies. There are lots of benefits when it comes to reading. Like learning new things, becoming familiar to the spelling of certain words, immersing yourself into amazing stories that inspire you to do something.

• Listen to podcasts
If you're not one to read ( though I suggest you do) you could try listening to podcasts. I have been listening to two myself and it's really helpful. You can listen when you're traveling as well too.

• Sleep early
This is VERY essential to being productive. Waking up early to do everything in the morning and relaxing in the afternoon is one of the things you could do.

So I really hoped this helped you (by the way still trying to follow my own advice😅) but thanks for reading!

Always be true to your heart💜


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