
Showing posts from December, 2019

~Life is not an emergency~

Hey everyone... I have been lacking inspiration for a new post, and school got all up in the way as well, but I'm back! Recently, I can't stop getting stressed or anxious. I keep forgetting something very important daily, example, to bring to school. I always stress out and I'm like, "Oh noooo what am I going to do?! What's wrong with me... How could I forget something so important!?!" Then I start panicking nonstop until I remember to say this to myself,  "Life is not an emergency."  It really helps me especially when I say it over and over again, it makes me start to believe that it is. I got this from the book "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff." One of my favorite books ever. It really taught a lot of helpful lessons and tips. So it's a book I suggest to read~ Anyways, after calming down and getting myself together I think of solutions or ways to handle the situation. One time, I forgot my subject book at home...